Arts Award Centre
Arts Award Centre Number: 68236
Trained as an advisor and moderator at all levels
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Arts Award is a range of qualifications that supports anyone up to the age of 25, to grow as artists and art leaders, inspiring them to connect and take part in the wider arts world though taking challenges in an art form, individual and chosen by the young person.
I am trained as an advisor and moderator at all five levels (Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold) and have as a result enabled young people to:
discover the enjoyment of creating and participating in arts activities
experience arts events
develop creative and communication skills that are essential for success in 21st century life
explore the work of artists and craftspeople and gain insights into the professional arts world
gain experience and knowledge to help progress into further education and employment
Some feedback from a young person, Sophie:
“I have immensely enjoyed all three as Arts Award is so much more unrestricted and self-guided than GCSE Art…I am really proud of the work I've done during Arts Award, it's allowed me to grow and develop as an artist in a way you don't get to do at GCSE: not only is Arts Award more relaxed and flexible, you get to choose what you want to do, what directions you want to go in. It's a brilliant opportunity, and I would definitely tell anyone who likes art in any way to do it -your age and ability doesn't matter. And it's really awesome to have someone as encouraging and experienced as Poppy to ask for help -I couldn't have wished for a better mentor.”