Bags of Creativity

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Freelance project commission between June 2020 - July 2020

"Bags of Creativity", working closely with IVE and Reach, York's Creative Learning Partnerships.

Commissioned as part of a group of 20 artists and creative practitioners based in York, I developed 5 postcards for children and young people between the ages of 2-6, 7-11 and 12-16.

As well as the opportunity to take part in some incredible training and mentoring from child development specialists Dr Karen Dunn and Di Chilvers, the project has been a great initiative to get creativity out to those who are vulnerable and wouldn't necessarily have the opportunity to access the arts during the pandemic.

The project has worked with Local Cultural Education Partnerships (LCEPs) and social services in Bradford, Doncaster, East Riding, Hull, Leeds, Rotherham, Sheffield and York, and will see over 8000 bags of creativities sent to vulnerable children and young people across Yorkshire and the Humber.

Some themes that I've explored in my designs are of artists as role models, the term "Craftivism", space travel, Pablo Picasso and Origami.


Volunteer Management


Heritage of Nature